Thursday, 5 March 2015

Getting Started on Twitter

I love the casualness of twitter, where profundity and trivia have an equal footing. If you need a quick-start on your follow list, consider the following accounts.

@infosthetics Data visualizations that inform and/or intrigue.
  Edward Tufte has declared chartjunk as an enemy of clear, informative graphics of data. Chartjunk is everywhere, particularly in mainstream
@mtaulty I do some developer stuff for Microsoft in the UK. [[ pretentious job title goes here ]]. UK
@jonskeet Currently a software engineer at Google, London. Usually a Microsoft MVP
@thebeebs Microsoft technical evangelist. Currently working on mobile apps.
@YouAreCarrying A Twitter bot by Andrew Vestal that provides a fictional adventure game inventory. Users need only tweet the bot with “i”. (users have produced some lovely pictures in responce to 'what they are carrying')
Pretty Pictures
@shanselman Scott Hanselman is a programmer, teacher, speaker, technologist, podcaster, writer, diversity advocate and more.
@Jodie_Paterson Freelance illustrator and stationer. Owner & designer at Paper Pipit. Head of 'Charlie work'
@msdevUK Microsoft Developer UK
@RealBobMortimer I've just fell off my Honda .. My legs are in that tree..and yes I was wearing those shoes again.. The ones from Italy.
@codinghorror NET programming from a human factors perspective: thoughts on software usability and effective team development.
@Loki_Coki Design and illustration.
@boagworld Author of Digital Adaptation. Co-Founder of @headscapeltd. Host of the Boagworld Podcast. Over 20 years of helping organisations manage digital change.
@andybudd Andy started designing websites in 1998. He founded Clearleft with Richard Rutter and Jeremy Keith in 2005
@scottgu Scott Guthrie is an Executive Vice President of the Cloud and Enterprise group in Microsoft. He is best known for his work on ASP.NET
@IrisClasson .NET developer & Microsoft C# MVP
@kibooki Those are no actual toys, but some gorgeous and creative 3D dedicated to the allmighty glory of Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost.
A community of passionate individuals whose purpose is to revolutionize software design, creation and delivery, while advocating for positive social change.
@DDDNorth Twitter account for THE premium developer event in the North of England.
@codefoster Developer Evangelist at Microsoft. Windows 8, HTML, JavaScript coder. Hiker. Sailor. Husband. Dad. Not in that order.
@ch9 Channel 9 keeps you up to date with videos from people behind the scenes building products at Microsoft.

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